Monday, January 18, 2010

Class #12 Education

Sorry for the late post!
Thanks to Monika Sensei for an interesting and informative talk today. I hope all of you realize that you can study many languages! Don't just study English! Open your horizons!
Here is today's homework:
After listening to today’s presentation, please read the opinion in the November 5th New York Times.
 Do you agree with the writer Minae Mizumura (“The Fall of Japanese in the Age of English”) when she says that”, “the dominance of English, especially with the advent of the Internet, threatens to reduce all other national languages to mere “local” languages that are not taken seriously by scholars. The education system, she argues, doesn’t spend enough time teaching Japanese.”

Why? Give at least 3 reasons to support your answer.

January 25th reflections class (guest speaker from Hiroshima UNITAR: Director Mejia) in Sophia building room 101.
January 27th FOOD! All groups must teach us how to make some ethnic food from their country, bring samples!

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