Monday, December 14, 2009

Class #10 Table Manners

Today we discussed table manners from all over the world. Please answer the following questions in your blog.
1.Have you ever eaten in a restaurant in a foreign country? Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience.
2. Did you learn anything?

Next class, December 21st, we will discuss the issues between Men and Women. Presentations: will be done by the Iran and Finland groups.
January 18th's topic is Education and School Systems. We will have a guest speaker. Presentations: Germany and Liberia.
January 25th is Reflections Class, we will play a card game and watch part of a movie. Blogs will be checked for the last time.
January 27th (Wednesday) The topic will be food! All groups must prepare a traditional food from their group country to share with us and present how to make it. YUMMY!
Alexis, will you make something Alaskan?

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