Sunday, November 15, 2009

Class #7 Superstitions

Last class we had a wonderful presentation by Camilla from Denmark. This was supposed to be 15 minutes, but after hearing her interesting information, we ran over time and did not get to finish our discussion about time and culture. I was surprised about the amount of fish and bread in their diet! Since we spent so much time listening about the food and culture of Denmark, please comment in your blog about Ms. Camilla's presentation. Which part surprised you the most? What kind of Danish food do you want to try?
For today's class, we talked about many superstitions in many countries. Today's homework is to answer the following questions in your blog.
1.Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class? Why?
2.Is communication affected by superstitions?
3.Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe?Why do you do, use, or believe in them?

Next week's class is about weddings. If you have any pictures of weddings please bring them in to share with the class. Also, the Finland and Poland groups will have presentations on this topic.

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