Monday, October 05, 2009

Class #2 Death and Funerals

Last week I did not get a chance to finish the presentation on the Japanese concept of wrapping. Today I will finish this lecture, so you can complete last week's homework in your blog.
We are please to announce that the former Saudi Arabia Ambassador to Japan will visit our class November 2. Let's plan a really good class together! Details will follow later.
For this week's homework, please answer the following questions in your blog:
1.Death and Funerals:a. Do you have any international friends or a host family? If so, how would you express your condolences to them if a family member died? If not, then how would you express condolences to an American host family if their Grandmother died?b. Have you ever been to a foreign funeral?
2. The language of Clothes (preparation for next weeks topic):a.Why are Japanese designer label crazy? Why is what you wear so important?b.What does “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?
Next class is October 19th. The theme is the "Language of Clothes". There will be presentations by the Iran and Egypt groups.See you then.

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