Monday, June 29, 2009

July 6th Class Needs your help!

Next class we are lucky to have students from Wayne State University. We plan to have a BBQ with them before class. We need your help! We need students to make Potato or macaroni salad, set up the BBQ, serve food, cook burgers and hot dogs (very easy), and clean up! I will give you credit for the CCC class. Here is the schedule

10:30 to 11:30 Some kind of English class
10:30 Gareth and Jennifer plus helpers set up BBQ, decorations, music, food etc.
11:30 to 1:00 Eating and such ( My CCC class is 50 students, plus morning English class= 80 people to prep for?)
1:00 to 2:30 Susan's CCC class
1:00 Gareth and Jennifer clean up with some student help.

Please help!

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