Monday, June 29, 2009

July 6th Class Needs your help!

Next class we are lucky to have students from Wayne State University. We plan to have a BBQ with them before class. We need your help! We need students to make Potato or macaroni salad, set up the BBQ, serve food, cook burgers and hot dogs (very easy), and clean up! I will give you credit for the CCC class. Here is the schedule

10:30 to 11:30 Some kind of English class
10:30 Gareth and Jennifer plus helpers set up BBQ, decorations, music, food etc.
11:30 to 1:00 Eating and such ( My CCC class is 50 students, plus morning English class= 80 people to prep for?)
1:00 to 2:30 Susan's CCC class
1:00 Gareth and Jennifer clean up with some student help.

Please help!

Class #12 Dating Practices

Today's homework is to make a pie chart of your ideal partner's characteristics and explain why these characteristics are important to you. Are you like the American women pie chart? Below is my chart, just click on it to see it better. I want you to give me at least 4 or more characteristics.
Interested in cross culture dating? Here is an advice article that looks interesting.
Another article on dating customs around the world is

Monday, June 22, 2009

Class #10 Family Life

I hope all of you enjoyed Ms. Ryoko Wood's interesting presentation. She has an interesting life experiencing both cultures and both family situations.
For homework please answer the questions in the textbook on page 14, section 4 a-f. Do not give one sentence answers, but explain them by giving evidence and examples.
I still have not hear from many of you as to what blogs you commented on. If I do not hear from you by this week you will be given a zero grade! There are too many students in this class and I really need your help on this! Thanks!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Class # 9 Expressing Feelings

Today we talked about how people from different cultures express feelings verbally and non-verbally. Even the words to express feelings are sometimes hard to translate!
For homework, you must update all blog homework by Sunday June 21 midnight for grading.
Also, to prepare for next week's speaker on family life, read page 14, think about the differences between Japan and this country!

Monday, June 08, 2009

School Bullying

First, we want to say thank you to Dr. Cowie for taking time out of her busy schedule to talk with us today. I think we all learned something from her discussion that we can apply to our lives. Here is some of the information she gave us:
1. Newspaper article from 1999. "Ijime: A Social Illness of Japan"
2. From the BBC News December 2006 "Japan's Deadly Bullying Problem"
3. Here is the 8 page article in Japanese, Dr. Cowie wrote titled "Understanding Why Children and Young People Engage in Bullying"
Remember, Dr. Cowie would really like to hear your comments on today's class. Please ask them by using the comment button for this post. You questions and comments are anonymous! Ask anything!