Sunday, January 25, 2009

Class #12 Education

Today, we are very lucky to have Monika Sensei visit us. I hope you enjoyed her presentation about the Hungarian education system. I also hope you are motivated to expand your language interests and abilities and learn another language. For homework, answer the following questions in your bog.

1. Do you think Japan should give more students options to study more languages (other than English) in Junior and Senior High School?
2. Read this interesting article about changing the way English is taught in High School. Do you agree with the this plan? What about Mr. Hamada's opinion that the university entrance exam needs to be changed?

Next class is Wednesday, January 27 and our last class! This is the food class. Please remember to make ( or by) a dish that is traditional for the group you belong to. Expect 16 people to be eating. I will bring some ocha to drink, plates and hashi.

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