Monday, June 16, 2008

Class #9 Reflections

Today are are very lucky to have Kawashima Sensei to talk about her experiences during World War 2 and 9/11. She will also talk about Cross Culture Communication. Kawashima Sensei is a Japanese professor from Hunter College in New York City. I hope you enjoy her speech and learn a lot from her many experiences and stories.
Next week is the Family Life class. I have scheduled a very interesting speaker who is married to a foreigner and now lives in Hiroshima. Please prepare for the class by answering the questions in the textbook on page 15, section 4 a-f. Do not give one sentence answers, but explain them by giving evidence and examples. Brazil and Hungary groups have class presentation, please be ready!
All blogs MUST be updated TODAY! Do not forget to comment on other blogs and answer comments left on your blog.

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