Thursday, July 23, 2009

Class #14 Politics and Reflections

This is our LAST class. No Final. All of you worked very hard all semester!
For your homework, I want you to answer these questions:
The United Nations (UN) is the key organization to promote and maintain world peace between governments. For homework, research the UN in the library or on the Internet . If you were working for the UN, which job would like to do using your English abilities? Why?
Since this is our last class, blogs must be updated and comments ( 5 for each topic) must be done by July 31st. Please let me know what blogs you commented on. This is also a sayonara to Garreth and Jennifer. Thanks for making our class more interesting with your ideas and perspectives. We all wish you the best of luck in your future studies. Please comment on this blog from time to time.
Take Care everyone and have a safe and happy summer. See you in the fall.
Susan Sensei

Monday, July 13, 2009

Class #13 Personal Spaces

Thanks to everyone that helped last week with the BBQ. I hope all of you got a chance to taste the food! The Bowling Green students were very happy to eat and chat with you.
Today we talked about personal spaces / proxemics. For homework answer questions 1-10 on page 18 of your textbook. Make sure you explain why you do it this way.
Remember the next and last class is Thursday July 23rd, at the regular time, 1:00 and the room is Sophia 103. We will NOT have a guest speaker to talk about politics. Blogs must be updated by July 31 and please comment on 3 blogs per topic (from the last reflections class, family life dating, work customs, personal spaces and politics)
Here is a cute comic about personal spaces:

Monday, July 06, 2009

Working with different cultures and special guest

After listening to Ms. Yano's presentation. What kind of work place do you think you will work best in? Choose a country other than Japan and research and explain 1 aspect of their business culture that is different than Japan. Do you think it is a good practice? Why?

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Thanks for a great BBQ!

Thanks to all that helped to the BBQ for the Bowling Grees State University students. We all ate well and had a good time. Gareth and Jennifer did a great job preparing. Thanks to Nolin Sensei for cooking the burgers and hot dogs!

Also, Monday we will have a guest speaker, Ms. K. Yano from Visteon Corporation. Since we will have a guest speaker and guests in class, we will not have time for presentations. We will have 6 presentations on the July 13! Sorry about that! See you on Monday.