Monday, April 27, 2009

Class #3 Buddhism

After hearing today's speaker. Please answer the following question in your blog:
How is your daily life affected by Buddhism? What do you do and why do you do it? Please give 5 examples and make sure you explain why you think you do them!

Next week no class! (Golden Week vacation)

See you in 2 weeks. Have a relaxing holiday.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Class #2 What is Culture? What is CCC?

Today we will NOT have a guest speaker! Sorry, he will come next week instead. Today we will discuss what is culture, communication and cross culture communication? For homework, read the newspaper for the next week and find an article that has to do with cross culture communication problems. Post the link to this article, summarize it in your blog in English. It can be an English newspaper (Japan Times, New York Times, Washington Post, Yomiuri, Asahi) or a Japanese newspaper. Just remember to summarize it in English in your blog!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Welcome to HJU Cross Culture Communication Class!

Welcome to the HJU Cross Culture Communication class. I hope you will learn a lot about your own culture and the cultures of other people around the world. Understanding is the key to accepting and I hope we can all become cross culture competent. This is the first blog of the new school year. Your homework today is to create your own blog for this class. Remember do not use your real name in the blog. When you have created it, please e-mail me ( your blog address and your name. I will keep the secret! I am happy to welcome you to this class.