Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thanks to Everyone for a successful class

Thanks to all of the Colgate University students for a great class. We all had a great time discussing our differences and similarities! We welcome any of you back to our class! As you can see from the pictures we all had fun!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Welcome Colgate University Students!

Thank you for joining us today in the Cross Culture Communication class at Hiroshima Jogakuin University. We hope you can learn about yourself and Japanese culture. Not only the differences will be explored, but the similarities, too! Our goal today is to get a good dialogue going between you and 1 or 2 HJU students on topics that are interesting to the both of you. If you want to leave a comment on this blog, we encourage you to do so.
For the HJU students of this class: Your homework is to write about the student you talked to today. Describe their answers to the topics you discussed. Try to exchange e-mails or give your blog address to the Colgate University student and keep a dialogue going after the class. Have fun.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 26th: Lunch and Class Information

Thanks to all who volunteered to escort the Colgate University students to lunch. Don't forget to prepare and think of some questions to ask at lunch. Meet Professor Klein in front of Hinohara Hall between 12:00 - 12:15

For class, it would be good for you to read what Colgate University is all about. Go to the web site http://www.colgate.edu/index0.aspx to find information about the history, classes offered and loction of the university. Colgate University is located in New York state in the small town of Hamilton. The university was started in 1819. Colgate has 2,750 undergraduates enrolled in 51 programs, including an Asian language and studies program. Colgate is also famous for their sports programs and compete in the highest level in college sports in the USA. Check this site and do your homework before you meet these students. See you then.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Blog Address List Spring 2008

Here is the complate list of the students's blogs for th Spring 2008 CCC class at HJU. Please read them every week and comment on them. If you have a comment on your blog, please respond to the comment with a thank you or opinion. This is the most enjoyable part of the class. Have fun and good luck. Please comment on at least 4 blogs a week!


Class #5 Greetings

Today's class will cover the topic of greetings from around the world. First impressions are very important, by leqarning some of the customs of other countries, we can begin our relationships on a good start. Showing that you prepared to meet someone gives a good impression. For homework, please answer the queston #7 concerning Japan from the text on page 7. Next week we are meeting with the students from Colgate University. Don't forget to meet with Professor Klein to escort them to lunch.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Class #4 World Religions

Homework, read pages 4-7 in text for next class

Also, answer the following questions in your blog:

How do you greet people in your life? Is is different for different people? How so and why? Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?