Sunday, November 26, 2006

I just wanted to share this with you. Friday was a beautiful day with a great sunset. I have a maple tree that has 2 color leaves right now, red and yellow. I hope you enjoy it.


November 27th Reflections Class

Today's homework is going to be fun. Choose 3 blogs from the list I provide in class. Read the homework answers and write a comment and/or question. please check you own blogs from time to time and answer any questions that someone asks you in the comment section.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

HJU Cross Culture Communication Class

Today we talked about many kinds of weddings and how they are celebrated.

All this is interesting but the real question is. "What does marriage mean in a specific culture?" Is it an arrangement between families? Is it for business purposes? Does it lift a family's rank in society? Is it only for love? For the making only of children? For the making of a country's future citizens?

Today's Homework:
Do you think Japan is a full modern society when it comes to love and marriage? Are husband and wife truly best friends or do they just respect each other and have relationships outside the marriage? Is it a women's duty to have a baby? Which seems like the purpose Japanese marriages. If Japan is truly modern, why are there still arranged marriages? This is a foreign concept in America and most see this as an old tradition. How can you explain the omiai as part of Japan's culture today?

Monday, November 13, 2006

HJU Cross Culture Communication Class

Today's Homework

Please write the answers to these questions in your blog. I expect to have your homework done by Sunday night 12:00 a.m.


Is Japanese life affected by superstitions?

What superstitions do you practice? Which ones? Why?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

HJU Cross Culture Communication Class

I am sorry for my error in spelling! I meant own blog not won blog. Sorry!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

HJU Cross Culture Communication Class

HJU Cross Culture Communication Class. Please check this blog from time to time with class information. I hope all of you had success getting your won blogs. Please e-mail me your blog web address at See you next Monday.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Today's Homework

Please explain the meaning of the proverbs in the text book on page 75 number 8